Old Herbaceous

Described as “Downton Abbey with gardening tips”, Old Herbaceous is the humorous love story of a single-minded yet gentle man with a passion for plants and is a charming one-man play which has entranced sell-out audiences all around the country over the last five years.

An acute and sometimes hilarious observation of relationships between the classes in a simpler age, Old Herbaceous is sprinkled with witticisms and epithets. The evening blossoms into tender humour, much in the traditionally understated English style of the early 20th century.

As Old Herbaceous, renowned actor Giles Shenton truly lives the part of the legendary Head Gardener, Herbert Pinnegar, inviting you to feel included in a private chat from a bygone, comforting age. Keeping you engrossed, amused and emotionally engaged from start to finish, Old Herbaceous will leave you with a feeling that, perhaps, all’s right with the world.

Produced by Giles Shenton Productions
Written by Alfred Shaughnessy
Directed by Simon Downing
“What exactly was the factor that kept the audience riveted to Giles Shenton’s performance? He draws us into his world from his first entrance…and we are held entranced from start to finish….it is a nostalgic, quietly satisfying evening spent with someone who creates an instant rapport with the audience, drawing us into his world and making the characters in it so real you feel you have known them forever.” Edinburgh Fringe Review

Show Details

Date of event:

23rd February 2023

Event details:

7.30pm £13/£15